Social Network TechTalk

A look into how social networking can affect mental health, and what can be done to mitigate negative impacts.

Introduction to Mental Health Concerns

The intersection of social networking and mental health is a growing concern, with various studies indicating potential negative effects on well-being.

Impacts of Social Networking

Issues such as cyberbullying, social comparison, and the constant need for validation can contribute to mental health problems.

Personal Perspective

I believe that while social networks can be a source of support and community, they must implement features that promote positive mental health practices.


Creating a safer and more supportive online environment should be a priority for developers and stakeholders of social platforms.

Caelan Marais
Caelan Marais is a seasoned software engineer from South Africa with a deep interest in social networking technologies. Having been involved in several social platform developments, Marais combines a passion for coding with a nuanced understanding of digital communities. His blog articles often reflect a blend of technical know-how and insights into the social dynamics of the internet.
Caelan Marais is a seasoned software engineer from South Africa with a deep interest in social networking technologies. Having been involved in several social platform developments, Marais combines a passion for coding with a nuanced understanding of digital communities. His blog articles often reflect a blend of technical know-how and insights into the social dynamics of the internet.

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